宏碁与重塑新可换股捕食者的Triton 900的游戏笔记本
捕食者的Triton 900采用了全新的NVIDIA GeForce 2080 RTX GPU
Acer unveiled two new Windows 10 gaming notebooks, the Predator Triton 900, a 17-inch performance notebook featuring a slim design and convertible 4K display — and thePredator Triton 500— a 15-inch all-metal gaming powerhouse measuring just 17.9 mm (0.70 inches) thin. Both gaming notebooks combine new, functional designs with powerful internals that rival gaming desktops.
“We are pushing the envelope on what a gaming notebook can be with designs that offer more uses while still packing in the computing power,” said Jerry Hou, General Manager, Consumer Notebooks, IT Products Business at Acer. “The Predator Triton 900’s one-of-a-kind flipping screen allows for multiple gaming scenarios and better ergonomics, while the Triton 500 offers superb gaming performance in a slimmer, all-metal body for gamers on the go.
“We’re excited that our new GeForce RTX 2080 GPU is helping Acer redefine gaming experiences on notebooks,” said Kaustubh Sanghani, General Manager, GeForce OEM at NVIDIA. “With breakthrough technologies including real time ray tracing and next-gen, and ultra-fast GDDR6 memory, gamers can confidently choose the Predator Triton 900 for a robust, feature-rich gaming platform.”
“8th Gen Intel Core H-series processors are designed as a complete platform that combines industry leading notebook computing performance and technologies that are increasingly critical for premium gaming and content creation,” said Chris Walker, Vice President of Client Computing at Intel. “CPU performance is key to the best possible gaming experience, and the new Predator Triton gaming notebooks put this performance and robust platform on full display with innovative designs.”
捕食者的Triton 900和500都赢得了他们的游戏与宏碁的先进的冷却系统CRED,包括第四代AeroBlade™三维金属风扇,增加气流45%,和Coolboost™技术that keeps the notebooks cool during extended gaming sessions and while playing demanding AAA titles.
The Predator Triton 900 — the Convertible Gaming Notebook Evolved
The Predator Triton 900 is a gaming notebook in an inventive form factor with innovative new design features. It features a CNC-machined Ezel Aero Hinge™该翻转,延伸,或斜倚17英寸显示器。与朋友分享屏幕中的游戏回合艾泽尔模式,在触摸屏上玩游戏,笔记本模式对传统的游戏场景显示模式,以及站在模式 - 有效地将海卫900成片剂:用户可以四个使用模式之间切换游戏或使用创作者工具。曲通系列900的触控板被放置在键盘旁边,让用户同时使用键盘和触控板游戏自然手的位置。这也是令人惊讶的最薄处仅仅23.75毫米(0.94英寸)。
Featuring the new NVIDIA®GeForce RTX™2080 GPU和一个4K IPSidisplay with NVIDIA G-SYNC™技术, the Predator Triton 900 pulls no punches in bringing gamers a best-in-class gaming experience. With up to a six core high performance 8th Gen Intel®Core™i7处理器,NVMe的PCIe RAID 0固态硬盘,以及高达32GB DDR4内存,玩家可以通电要求最苛刻的游戏和预期平滑,无泪的游戏。它配备了一个Xbox无线接收器,让用户与Xbox手柄玩自己喜欢的电脑游戏在Windows 10。为了完善了包,它采用了由波的音频。波的Maxx™一旦提供卓越的音质rsive with Waves Nx™与一个超逼真的3D音频体验头部跟踪。
捕食者的Triton 500 - 稀释剂寡情
捕食者的Triton 500是一个功能强大的15.6英寸全高清游戏笔记本精简到只有17.9毫米(0.70英寸)的薄且称重2.1公斤(4.6磅)。它经久耐用,全金属底盘和窄边框测量仅为6.3毫米(0.25英寸)令人印象深刻的81%体到屏幕的比例。在瘦身的Triton 500可以很容易地在一个背包或公文包上滑动,但是一旦取出并打开电源,就变成了游戏强国。由于高达电池续航8小时ii, users can play their favorite titles on the road or with friends away from home.
捕食者的Triton 500可提供高达NVIDIA的GeForce 2080分RTX的GPU和Max-Q设计,最多8个th代英特尔酷睿i7处理器,NVMe的PCIe RAID 0固态硬盘,以及高达32GB DDR4内存。它的GPU超频是与VR就绪,让玩家享受最新的前沿游戏和虚拟现实体验。15.6英寸300流明IPS显示屏带来的游戏生活,144Hz的刷新率在超速在3ms的。NVIDIA G-SYNC技术iiicreates fluid images as they zip across the screen while gaming or watching movies.
Control from a Smartphone
Product pricing and availability are yet to be announced. Stay tuned for more details coming soon viawww.acer.com
iAll brands and product names mentioned herein include trademarks of their respective companies and are used solely to describe or identify the products
ii8 hours for models equipped with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070/2060 GPUs
iiiFor models equipped with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 GPUs with Max-Q Design
ivAndroid version estimated to be available in Q1 2019, and iOS version in Q2 2019