花vs save:浴缸和身体作品甜豌豆vs hbc身体食谱甜豌豆
My baby’s 1st Birthday haha.. cake I ordered was too small It looked big in the picture waaa.. Nope: This is not a paid ad, I just love Bayo <3 haha *ehem* Among middle-ranged local brands, Bayo is ranking with my favorites like Folded & Hung, and Plains and Prints. They keep this minimal Boho Chic that’s just my style, girly effortless. Here are pictures in their latest collection. I posted the pictures of some of my fave looks, you can see more here Shyanne blouse, P995; Delia shorts, P695 Kaya blouse, P1,095; Spencer shorts, P1,295 Genelle tank top, P495; Dariel blouse, P495; Xyrelle skirt, P695 Selma dress, P945 (I wore this one on my baby’s…
这些靴子在2004-2005左右变成了潮流。这很好。如果你住在天气寒冷的国家。但我们都知道我生活,在一个潮湿和热带的国家,触发器更方便和舒适。然而,我的爷爷给了我一对旧帖子照片不再可用它看起来很好看皮肤和裙子。我很荣幸把它作为礼物!然而,当我去一个冬季的地方时,我可能会穿这个(希望有一天能前往欧洲!),但它需要一段时间。所以你怎么看?夏天的comin ..夏天的...
它在菲律宾相对较新的品牌,但在S&R和Greenhills谨防假货。这里没有原来的Cathston Bags没有官方零售商,大多数都可以从英国或日本购买。I don’t own one yet but oil cloth and floral prints seem nice Here’s a useful site to Spot a Fake Cath Kidston There’s one seller on ebay but it’s overpriced! Being a mom, I need a roomy bag for both my baby and my stuff. I hate bringing two bags for both of us haha. Lemming alert! I want a day bag! I think it’s cheaper if I used my CC and have…
我目前正在我的“袋阶段”和好事我的阿姨足够好,给我一些她没有使用的包包。我的阿姨有一个严重的八卤,她的包包不再适合她为他们建造的定制舱。I also want to invest on bags that came from my hard-earned worked-for moolah, but I’m not yet ready to spend on a luxury brand so I went on and googling what bags are nice to buy even if I’m on a budget. TheBudgetBabe.com is a great blogsite I’ve found that has different posts on being chic while on a budget. The post that lured…
我的另一个上瘾者是袋子。当然,我不在高端设计师包上挥霍,每当袋子得到我的花哨时,我就可以抓住一个。虽然在谷歌搜索一个好的购物袋时(Longchamp在我的名单上),但这个包引起了我的眼睛,envirosax。现在什么是Envirosax?据他们的网站:Envirosax®Designer可重复使用的袋子正在使用风格展开生态友好信息!别致,便宜和紧凑,Envirosax®环保购物袋携带重新使用的信息,准备拥抱更亮的生态未来。测试强度和安全超强,持有44磅完全可清洗 - 不会褪色超级方便,耐水性时尚和趣味 - 一个很棒的...
葡萄园葡萄藤一直在为20世纪后期建立的男性,女性和孩子们销售品牌衣服。由于其高价格,他们的衣服和配件被视为Preppy。Vineyard Vines商店和商店只能位于美国,为国际购物者提供从Vineyards Vines的网站购买他们的商品。在商店找不到普通的廉价服装。由于高品质的材料,工艺和奇妙的设计,葡萄园里的衣服被认为是美国最昂贵的品牌之一。然而,有一些技巧,您可以以实惠的价格从葡萄园葡萄园购买品牌衣服。以下…
镜头评论:Geo CK107
I have weird eyes..:( Even if I wear circle lenses they still look odd on me my eyes are rather elongated and big than round and big I’m longing to have those circle-y round eyes like those people who had plastic surgery but of course I wouldnt want to resort to plastic surgery. My hubby doesnt like it when I wear circle lenses, he tells me I’m already beautiful without them and wearing them makes me so beautiful that it looked odd. T_T I love my lenses though. The lenses did make my face look softer though. Comfort: These are not so comfortable compared to my nudy grays, even after removal of…
开发更复杂的风格感 - 时尚建议
无论您是否一直对时尚充满热情,否则最近开始引导您的注意力创建时尚看起来,当您决定改变您的风格感,并培养更复杂的方法时,会收到一些指南必要的。以优雅的方式穿着并不是一个复杂,因为你可能倾向于相信,但有一些清晰的时尚规则你需要了解。在结束后,在走出门的时候更关节你的样子,你应该刷新你的衣橱,并开始关注以下几个方面 - 因此,提升成熟将是......