时代啤酒9步仪式 - 如何倒入啤酒
作为愉快,因为它是直接从瓶子喝了一瓶冰镇啤酒的啤酒爱好者们现在把注意力转移到完美,妥善倒啤酒的想法。去年2月25日,时代啤酒介绍斯特拉大师草案 - 无论是专家的调酒师和时代啤酒爱好者的竞争,试图在时代啤酒老字号9步浇筑仪式他们的手。传统上,比利时啤酒在设计上借鉴了风味和突出特定酿造的轮廓独特的眼镜。对于时代啤酒,玻璃是圣杯。而涉及该圣杯经典9步浇筑仪式将为啤酒爱好者的最佳饮用体验...
When your regular anti-lice shampoo just wont work on your kid, or on yourself (yeah sometimes when it gets too warm and you’re always outside, adults can catch it too! eww *sob* ) Funny that when I was a kid, I’m always playing on the streets outside with neighbor kids, and yes, I get the occasional lice during summer. My mom would by “kwell” but time came when it just didnt work anymore. The lice still stayed there, bouncing around sipping my blood happily. Gross I know. Then I remember, mom would resort to pouring beer all over my hair and leave it on until it is dry. Then rinse it off afterwards.…