See Heart Evangelista Art Exhibit at SM Megamall
Heart Evangelista is more than a pretty face. She’s more than an actress. She’s more than a politician’s wife. We admire her for the artist that she is. Besides painting on canvass, Heart is known for her artwork on Hermes bags. Now, she even uses designer clothing as canvass for her work. You can view her work at the HeArt & Style exhibition in SM Megamall, Fashion Hall from March 21 – March 28 2017. Heart Evangelista Art Exhibit at SM Megamall These are the gowns made by the very young but talented @markbumgarner, handpainted by @iamhearte. Both are very talented and I believe also kind hearted.. #heartandstylebylm #heartandstyleatmega A post shared by Maricar Salomon-Rillera…
Relieve Stress with Painting and Comfort Food
I’m going to share a secret with you guys. It’s 10 o’clock in the evening, I’m snacking on pandesal filled with Purefoods Corned Beef and writing my blogging backlogs while my son Geof is asleep. As a stay-at-home working mom, the only free time I have to write is: A. When my son is at school B. When my son is asleep. Raise your hands if you can relate! Hahaha! Relieve Stress with Art, Painting and Food Now how do we lighten our load? These 2 basic things we’re already familiar with are actually proven to lessen stress and instantly make us feel better. Eating and Painting. Just the act of having a…
Levi’s Philippines Go Forth Campaign Launch + Fun
I would like to say hello hello hello and hi hi hi to everyone who’s reading my blog! Specially the old ones, and the new ones! Last Thursday was a super happy moment for me because it was my very first time to attend a fashion event. Most events I attend to are related to skincare and cosmetics so this one is a very happy first. September started with a Bang! Kapow! with Levi’s launching their “Go Forth” campaign: Levi Strauss Philippines unveils Go Forth Campaign, its first ever global marketing campaign. Go Forth Campaign is creating impact throughout the world by calling the youth to be part of a movement of…