HIMYM Barney和Robin雨和出租车场景动图
对不起人。我要复习很多化妆品,但是这几天工作太紧张了,我都生病了。Even frustrated to the point that I cry in the bathroom for a few min just to release the tension and stress. Who’s a fan of How I Met Your Mother? I’m a Barney-Robin Shipper so hooray to the last episode! and I’m soooooooo 87% sure that Robin and Barney will end up getting married at the season finale! According to the writers, this season is for Barney. He has a lot of solo stories in the upcoming episodes and that the finale will finally show…
在我的上一篇文章中,我一直在讨论各种各样的护肤方法,因为我的皮肤一直长得很严重。可怜的老我也一直在寻找化妆品,可以有效地隐藏我的痤疮和疤痕,而不会导致更多的替代哈哈。我现在用的化妆品不适合我,似乎堵塞了我的毛孔(香奈儿,舒,莱杰,娇韵诗)购买这些产品有一个非常愚蠢的巧合故事。1.我本应该购买我的外带安全粉底,VMV Skin Savvy spf60,但是当我到达boni heights的商店时,它从2010年12月就没货了,也不知道他们什么时候会有…