老帖子照片不可用,为什么拖?带问号的?因为我将发布的东西,我将得到,和一个拖运被分类为很多东西,但我不想称之为“购买”或..ack。哈哈,我不擅长解释!总之,这是我今天从Etude House得到的一些东西。项目跳跃后跳跳…眼睛发光-一个利益的眼睛明亮的欺骗。Proof 10 Makeup Fixer定型喷雾黑头秘诀-用我的innisfree balm Proof 10 Henna Fix睫毛膏Etude滋润面膜来擦黑头作为免费赠品我很快会贴出这些项目的评论,即将…
Start the year right with some happy hauls after the holidays Will give better photos tomorrow, I got too excited and took pictures with the lights off (baby is fast asleep) so this is just pure flash lighting. Reviews, swatches, and photos coming up tomorrow! Under broad sunlight! Chane Rouge Coco Jersey Rose, Rouge Allure Flamboyante, Guerlain Blush 4 Eclats 04 Guerlain at Rustan’s Shangrila is on SALE! 20% on all items.. I dont know when it would end though.. hurry!