在座有谁吃过东京爱情香皂?它真的有效美白和完善皮肤吗?它有很多优点,比如皮肤更细,毛孔更细,头发更少,亲密区域更紧,瞬间美白,抗衰老等等。但他们真的坚持自己的主张吗?如果肥皂能创造奇迹谁还需要谷胱甘肽呢?唯一让我不敢尝试这种肥皂的是它650-1000php每条的高昂价格。一块肥皂每天使用,使用时间通常不足一个月。你觉得怎么样?东京爱情肥皂剧真的值得吗?我的意思是,看看这些奖状。 It’s so…
Who doesn’t love getting free items to try? Especially a test guinea pig like me Review of the Mosbeau Underarm Cream can be read here: Just like I mentioned in my previous posts, some people want to be darker some people want to be lighter. I am on the latter side of the group and since I turned 13 I have been trying out all sorts of whitening products from soaps to creams to lotions. In the long run they may have had their share of skin lightening together with taking glutathione capsules. So this post is for people who want to be lighter I already have semi-fair skin so I was hesitant…