Oily Skin Problem? Try KATE TOKYO’s The Base Zero Powdery Skin Maker | A Review
你好everyone! I’ve been writing a lot of non-makeup posts as of date because Geof and I were swamped with mommy-events this May! Not only that, I was recently infected with a flesh-eating bacteria (WATCH: My Flesh Eating Bacteria Story) that I had no drive to shoot beauty related posts. But I wanted to share something awesome with y’all so today we’ll be reviewing KATE TOKYO’s The Base Zero Powdery Skin Maker. Are you problematic with your oily skin? Tired of foundations caking or settling in your pores? Then this base product is probably for you! What? Kate Tokyo The Base Zero Powdery Skin Maker How much? 960php Where to buy? Kanebo Counters,…