你沉迷于牛奶茶吗?不要担心我的朋友,因为你并不孤单。我有一个忏悔。我自己是牛奶茶瘾君子。在我写这篇文章的时候,我已经想到了什么样的。冬瓜?冲绳?泰国?鲍巴经常吗?甘露? When the milk tea craze first arrived in the Philippines 8 years ago, we all probably thought it would be a fad. But no. It consumed us. Long lines are everywhere and not just with one brand. People are flocking. Milk tea is a must after every meal! It became part of our culture. But why? How?! Milk Tea in a Nutshell Milk tea first originated in Taiwan…