源article1-智能-A S sWhat人不享有脑的对手?什么样的男人不希望女人谁都有自己的意见,有个性,可以在几乎任何话题参与对话和辩论?当然,一个身材火辣的是导通的,但真正的玩家识别热点的头脑和炽烈的个性。这些都是绝对的春药。女人用口头信心是一个真正的陷阱。但是,当信心被锁定在争议和对抗,你应该制定计划,以避免她。智能 - ***淌嘲讽。她喜欢回答,并要求有问题的语气和态度推开最好的追求者。她的话滴毒液和她...
Kikay si Kat:入围2011菲律宾博客大奖时尚与美丽
有一天晚上,当我看到我的网站网址进入了国家级别的“美丽与时尚”决赛名单时,我睡不着。OMG OMG OMG OMG!!但他们用的是我以前的博客名;They havent got my updated Blog name and URL I hope they update it Surreal… I’m not expecting.. but I’m hoping I get to win something.. like in their raffle. Hehe.. It’s going to be held at Carlos Romulo Theater at RCBC this Dec. 3 2011; Oh and I don’t know what to wear. This would not be possible if not for YOU people who visit this blog everyday and interact with me and other readers as…
Reynaldo Guzman Bacosa的照片magandang araw阿宝sa lahat !在美国宇航局的工作人员中,我是马塞洛。马塞洛。纳尼拉罕。萨拉萨,布鲁克的观点,巴拉望。1910年1月1日,在尼泊尔,索索贡山,索索贡山可能会发生在马卡龙和乌纳扬山。那是我最喜欢的工作。这是我的荣幸,我很高兴见到你。Maraming salamat阿宝!作者:Reynaldo Guzman Bacosa我看到这个被转发到我的facebook留言板上,我想也许我可以把它贴在我的博客上…
Android Internet适用于SUN、GLOBE和智能设置
我最近买了一部新手机,对Sun Cellular公司毫无用处的客户服务很失望,他让我去索尼的商店安装网络。*翻白眼*好在有谷歌,我必须谷歌我的方式,以正确的互联网设置。这种设置适用于大多数Android手机。对于那些想要知道如何设置他们的Android设备与环球电信,智能或太阳蜂窝移动互联网,你可以遵循以下简单的步骤。我用的是x射线。按菜单按钮。然后点击设置。选择无线和网络(通常是第一选择,除非你有自定义UI[例如]。HTC Sense界面,……
Update: Realized I overlooked the fact that paper bags cant hold up moist goods and harm more trees, thanks to the concerned commenters and I actually own a couple of envirosax I use for shopping If you haven’t noticed yet. Those reusable “eco” bags is becoming a fast trend and new status symbol for those faux environmentally concerned individuals OR companies looking for more profit by joining in. These bags are usually made of nylon, cotton, or thicker plastic material meant for multiple usage versus the plastic shopping bags. Are you really concerned about the environment? Or youre just joining because it’s “hip” Oh, and speaking of plastic bags, have you noticed SM…
Longchamp Le Pliage减价51% ?好得令人难以置信
HIMYM Barney和Robin雨和出租车场景动图
对不起人。我要复习很多化妆品,但是这几天工作太紧张了,我都生病了。Even frustrated to the point that I cry in the bathroom for a few min just to release the tension and stress. Who’s a fan of How I Met Your Mother? I’m a Barney-Robin Shipper so hooray to the last episode! and I’m soooooooo 87% sure that Robin and Barney will end up getting married at the season finale! According to the writers, this season is for Barney. He has a lot of solo stories in the upcoming episodes and that the finale will finally show…
最后,一个家伙花时间把这些都写了下来。最后是男人的一面。我们总是听到来自女性的“规则”。下面是男性方面的规则。这是我们的规则!请注意. .这些都是故意编号为“1”的!1.男人不是你肚里的蛔虫。1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You’re a big girl. If it’s up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don’t hear us complaining about you leaving it down. 1. Sunday sports – It’s like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be. 1. Crying is…