SWATCH & REVIEW | Fenty Beauty Ma 'damn Mattemoiselle毛绒哑光唇膏
现在,自从芬迪美容推出,我一直想从化妆网上购买的东西。我首先考虑的获得一直觊觎基础。但是评论褒贬不一了我,我已经有雅诗兰黛Doublewear我的制胜法宝粉底液。荧光笔?我打得周围用我的朋友,我并没有留下深刻的印象。他们欺骗,能够通过更实惠的品牌。该荧光笔是不是东西,站出来给我。现在,这里是Mattemoiselle毛绒哑光唇膏(通过Sephora.ph SRP 1199)。她也有液体的版本,但我更喜欢经典的霜剂。为什么? Because it has a longer shelf-life (1-2 years) vs liquid (6 months). Being the playsafe that I was, I…
有些日子我感到不安和不确定。无能为力。这句陈词滥调你可能已经听过无数次了,但这还是有些道理的。你必须假装,直到你成功。的信心。有时候,你只需要一种强烈的唇色,比如深红色;从外到内改变你的感觉。这就是我在06波尔多时尚葡萄酒中使用嘉娜宝强烈的蜡笔胭脂红时的感觉。自信和性感。阅读我下面的详细评论,看看下面的照片色板。 A crayon lipstick with a soft matte finish in high intense color. 06 Stylish Bordeaux The calm and dark tone leads into a refined…
Brand NARS Product Audacious Lipstick Shades Natalie (coral), Michiyo (pink), Rita (red) Price 32USD Okay, I was planning to relax, watch Daredevil on Netflix (I’m already on episode 11, I binge-watched Jessica Jones first lol) after a tiring yet fun day consisting of PTA meetings, working out at the gym, and attending a painting sesh earlier this afternoon at Sip and Gogh for a cosmetic event when my brain won’t stop. The thoughts about what I need to write, what I want to write, how I want to write it and everything else goes beyond the physical. The flesh may be weak, but my will to blog is stronger! Do you ever feel the same? No…
我不能相信我最喜欢红色的唇膏已被BuzzFeed使用功能的风格!你可以去猜测它是什么?他们做了一个实验,不同肤色和颜色的女性穿那些声称被普遍奉承红色唇膏相同树荫。在缅因州门多萨的红色唇膏看起来不错又名亚亚配音看起来那么好,我是启发,做一个Yayadub式的化妆和FOTD的那一天。我怎么应对?好吧,这里是另一条线索。的色板。如果你猜的Mac红宝石佑祝贺!你是对的!看看它是如何惊人的外观上的任何肤色。 Dark, Fair, Medium. This is a…
It’s been a while since I last made a review or swatch of a cosmetic so I’m really excited to present this to you guys, these lipsticks are given to my by my aunt and since she knows how much I love makeup, decided to give me some hihi. Although I was disappointed with the color selection, might as well try and swatch them and see if I could somehow make them work. The shades are Courageous a muted brown and Classic Wine a strawberry red. Left: Classic Wine Right: Courageous under flourescent lighting Top: Couragous Bottom: Classic Wine under natural lighting These lipsticks are sheer-buildable and when worn with just a…
因为我的博主朋友唐娜的启发,我开始为高端产品寻找便宜的替代品。她建议试试Careline的唇彩。我试了试,对它的质地、颜料和光泽的持久力感到惊讶。在我的下一篇文章中,我买了最好的颜色,然后把它们都涂在我的嘴唇上。(当然是个别的)我今天要展示的颜色是红色的。虽然不完全一样,但我发现它与香奈儿在《龙》中的胭脂诱惑Laque很相似。具有适当的光泽和颜色的唇色。哈哈. .请原谅我把应用弄得一团糟。但60比索…