国家广播和电信委员会(NBTC),Siriraj医院和华为周四共同开设了“ Siriraj World 5G智能医院”。
泰国总理兼国防部长泰国将军祈祷宗宗乔(Chan-o-Cha)主持了数字经济与社会部长Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn先生的就职典礼,医学院院长Prasit Watanapa教授Siririraj医院院长Prasit Watanapa博士Mahidol University, Colonel Natee Sukonrat, Ph.D, Vice-Chairman of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, Mr. Han Zhiqiang, Ambassador of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Thailand, Mr. Abel Deng, Chief Executive Officer of Huawei Thailand, as well as Assoc. Prof. Visit Vamvanij, MD, Director of Siriraj Hospital, Assoc. Prof. Cherdchai Nopmaneejumruslers, Vice Director of Siriraj Hospital.
Siriraj 5G智能医院的联合启动仪式
总理普拉特·陈-o-cha将军谈到了关于5G技术和数字经济的国家政策,并指出:“泰国政府了解技术的重要性,成功地起草了数字泰国计划,而今天是使用数字技术和5G在医疗领域的重要第一步。这将有助于减少医务人员的流程,降低总体风险,并提高患者医疗保健的有效性和功效。我们将使用Siriraj 5G智能医院作为试点项目,以便将来扩展到其他医院。我们欣赏Siriraj医院和Mahidol大学,并要感谢华为,NBTC,私人组织以及参与该项目的所有其他合作伙伴。我们希望该项目将成为泰国所有智能医院的蓝图。”
总理Prayut Chan-O-Cha访问5G智能医院展览
医学博士Prasit Watanapa博士Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University, shared the background and development of implementing Siriraj’s Smart Hospital Project with 5G and artificial intelligence (AI) to build a model for “Smart Hospitals” in collaboration with its partners – introducing 5G, Cloud, AI, and Digital Disruption technologies for application in prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation to enhance the quality and productivity of medical services, bring about good experiences while using its services, provide people in remote areas with better opportunities to access advanced tertiary health care services, as well as minimize the disparity and serve as a model for new generations of medical services to the global public health industry. In addition, an Innovation Lab and other innovative platforms were also established to cultivate innovation projects in the future.
Natee Sukonrat上校博士Vice-Chairman of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, addressed the NBTC’s support of the Project by saying that “The NBTC, as the regulatory body of broadcasting and telecommunications businesses, has a key mission for licensing frequencies to accommodate high speed wireless communications in the 5G era, to promote the national telecommunications infrastructure development, and introduce the extension and utilization of technologies to various sectors. This is in line with the government’s policy after the National 5G Committee resolved to approve the pioneer Smart Hospital project as a prototype project for 5G application and foresaw the potential of Siriraj Hospital – equipped with specialists and fully-integrated medical equipment – as being instrumental in development into a smart hospital to produce apparent results.”
这种跨部门的合作将增强和升级Siriraj医院的服务,以便使用基于5G,AI,大数据基础设施和云边缘处理的数字技术发展成为智能医疗中心,以通过患者跟踪,通过病人跟踪,通过AI on Cloud, data storage and analysis, and allocation of resources – all of which will help pave the way to fulfill the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital’s vision to become the “Medical Institute of the Nation, a Creator of Global Citizen Wellbeing”, and a Smart Hospital model for other hospitals in Thailand.
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