
Benefit Lolli Tint (Reviews, Swatches, Photos)

Ah.. the covetedBenefit Lolli Tintthat I’ve been longing to review for ages (again) but prohibited because I’m so kuripot (english: cheapskate) to purchase the full sized bottle. So I’m reviewing this (finally!) thanks to theNovember BDJ Box of 2014其中包含所有的好处吗Cosmetics products. I own a full-sized bottle of theoriginal Benetintthat I reviewed before and I think trying this out, made me consider actually purchasing a full-sized pretty soon. As promised, I will be reviewing the best of Benefit products for the whole week. Read on for the full review!
Oh it’s so cute
What?Benefit Lolli Tint
哪里买(这个?Benefit Cosmetics Store everywhere!
How much?Around 1,700php (35USD?)
Small but powerful. The Benefit Lolli Tint literally packs a punch as this baby stays on until you remove it with a good cleanser! The lasting power of this product definitely compensates for its insanely high price.

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I put it on like so, swipe swipe swipe. 3 stripes like a kitten. Meow!

Gaaah.. this is what I get for posing in the camera before blending the Lolli Tint. Streaks of tint on my face. Uneven and I’m not able to fix it no matter how hard I rub. Oh well, till I wash my face later on the day.

Oh well that’s life.有时候你永远无法纠正错误,但你可以从中学习.

“Oh, I have a pimple. It’s just a pimple. It’s like.. no big deal. What? No big deal? Yeah.. just keep your face clean” (who remembers that commercial?)
That’s why I learned how to blend as fast as I can on the other cheek. LOL. It gives a nice pink flush that is so flattering on my fair-olive skin. The Lolli Tint istheperfect pink for pinays who are not yellow or not pink. Just olive. Just neutral. Because not everyone is yellow-toned or pink-toned. Some are actually normal-toned.
It’s a pinkish-muave when swatched

Pucker up. It looks muavey on the hand swatch but it’s a nice bright pink on my pigmented lips. Here is a kiss for you. Please don’t run away from my fish-faced smooch.



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