Indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air. If you live in a high-rise, smoke, dust and cooking odors can migrate from other units to yours. Other sources of indoor air pollutants are paint, cleaning chemicals, dust mites, pet dander, carpets, parasites, mold and dampness and many others. Even the furniture in your home and the gas stove you use for cooking can release gas and other debris into the air.
But the most important thing you can do to improve indoor air quality in your home is to increase the amount of outdoor air that goes into the house. This, however, can also result in dust coming in.
ROIDMI, the leader of the cordless vacuum cleaner industry in China, offers quality high-tech consumer products like vacuum cleaners to help keep your home clean and allergen-free. The good news is that ROIDMI is now in the Philippines!
Roidmi X30 VX具有两种模式,可更轻松清洁,200 rpm高速擦拭,150W的功率,因此可以轻松拆除深层污垢,三种模式以控制水的渗水,80分钟的运行时和磁性充电,Roidmi X30 VX具有两个主要的主机。地板刷,擦拭干净的头和柔软的滚筒清洁器头,使您可以同时吸取和擦拭。这非常适合拥有许多宠物的房屋。X30 VX可用于湿擦,干拖把和打蜡。两个清洁头都配备了LED光敏响应灯。
The X30 Pro Cordless Vacuum Cleaner has the new generation clean technology with an OLED smart color screen, ZiWei Sterilization System, NEX-V all-powerful brush, 70 minutes running time and 150W suction power for synchronized vacuuming, mopping and sterilizing. It has an air purifier that offers six levels of filtration and double antibacterial action. The ROIDMI X30 Pro received the iF, Red Dot and other awards for its excellent design. The screen not only displays cleaning status but also suction, electricity and calorie consumption while cleaning. The dust cup has one button for no-touch release, an electric brush for efficient removal of mites and an LED light for efficient cleaning.
Roidmi X20同步吸尘和拖把,因此您可以节省时间和精力。这款无绳真空 - MOP组合具有120,000rpm无刷电机,磁性无线充电器,AIR-X空气粉尘分离系统以及充满电时的电池寿命65分钟。柔软的滚动刷由纳米级疏水纤维制成,该疏水纤维防水且自我清洁。Roidmi X20无绳真空吸尘器具有270°的双向手柄,可让您双手舒适地握住,并轻松擦地板。
The ROIDMI S2 is a lightweight vacuum cleaner with a stronger suction at 130W and stronger endurance at 60 minutes when fully charged via magnetic wireless charging. The ROIDMI S2 has a redesigned fully optimized air duct structure and filtration system to make air circulation smoother and significantly enhance gas-dust separation effect. The S20 also has an automatic sensor light that illuminates dark corners and areas so you can clean more efficiently.
Z1 Air的最佳功能之一是它轻巧且便携式为1.55公斤。但是,正如他们所说,小东西可以包含很多力量。Roidmi Z1 Air的10个分离气旋强大的吸力有助于减少过滤器阻塞并保持强大的吸力。100,000 RPM数字无刷电动机也更强大。它的运行时间只有60分钟,只有一个充电。使用2+2多个空气过滤系统,您的房屋也将变得更加干净。
Roidmi X30 VX,X30 Pro,X20和S2无绳真空具有多层空气过滤系统,该系统会捕获以前对灰尘进行真空的灰尘,并防止其被释放回空气。这些还带有壁挂式码头,可用于充电和存储目的。每个Roidmi真空吸尘器还包括配件,例如缝隙工具,宽喷嘴,延伸软管,床垫刷以及其他工具,以满足大多数家庭清洁需求。
The ROIDMI X30 VX, X30 Pro, X20, and S2 cordless vacuum cleaners have LED display screens accessible and supported through the ROIDMI smart app connection to your mobile phone via Bluetooth. The mobile app enables users to check the main unit power, cleaning time, dust full and filter replacement reminders through the app for the best cleaning experience.
Update your cleaning routine for better indoor air quality with ROIDMI cordless vacuum cleaners.
所有Roidmi真空吸尘器都可以在Lazada和Shopee购物中心的官方商店购买。有关更多信息,您可以访问他们的FB Page- Roidmiph