我用的是FS45的颜色,这是推荐给那些有NC30皮肤的人用的,对我来说太黄了,有点太暗了。(K ! ! !你不是黄色! ! !哈哈哈)。它的质地很好,很容易混合,香味还可以忍受,而且试管里有很多产品,但这就是所有美好事物的结束。
It does not have the staying power that most people raved about, It was gone by noon, and redness can be seen throughout my face even when set with a good setting powder. It creased, it settled into fine lines, in short it was ugly. You’re probably noticing the consecutive rants from moi, well I should rant. Because curiosity killed me. I shouldnt have tried sooo many foundations and concealers when I was already using something that works.
- 好的,优秀的报道。
- 质地细腻柔滑
- 可以忍受的气味
- 可移植的
- 没有持久力
- 有皱纹的
- 陷入细纹
- 中午了