虾青素是WTF ?(好处,副作用,危险)它是否被高估了?
好吧。最有可能的是,大药商们想要推动一种新的补充剂潮流,人们会为之疯狂(*我的假设)。但它激起了我的兴趣。从CNN到《大都会》。这种“新”抗氧化剂的市场上到处都是赞助内容。(refer to photos below) Let’s learn together from a #nonsponsored perspective What is Astaxanthin in a Nutshell BENEFITS: Improves blood flow. Decreases blood pressure. Protects against blood clotting. Improves LDL cholesterol. Improves lipid counts. Decreases oxidative stress. In animal studies, an astaxanthin-derived compound protected the heart from damage from heart attacks. What is Astaxanthin? Astaxanthin is a reddish pigment that belongs to a group of chemicals called carotenoids. It occurs naturally in certain algae and…