我很想尝试一下In2It的炫光腮红,因为我在girltalk上读到一篇评论,说它能让人容光焕发,而且它的包装也吸引了我。它看起来像一个混合香奈儿Joues对比和Shu Glow On。它在锅里看起来很漂亮。但我不太喜欢它,产品的名字就是它的真实名字。这是纯粹的。这是闪烁的。它缺少颜色。如果你试图建立产品,你只建立闪光,而不是颜色,这是很悲哀的,因为我实际上对它期望太多了。下面是图片……
I’ve been searching for reviews and swatches for shu blushes but to no avail they are very difficult to find Here’s a great blog that reviewed the blushes with lots of shades and swatches http://mymakeupreviews.blogspot.com/2008/05/review-shu-uemura-glow-on-blush.html
狂欢!一个Lioele Pop盛开的粉红色色调评论
今天的日本料理- Okaeri!——欢迎回家!我认为. .我发现. .我梦寐以求的唇彩和腮红!(多亏了babyjapnurse在Girltalk上以实惠的价格出售,这样我就可以在买新奶瓶之前试用一下了)。我喜欢的可以持续一整天。超过12小时不褪色。的意思吗?没有修饰! True milky pink color. This is perfect. The color is perfect for me. A nice pinky glow. Not too dull, not too bright I like the cherry bubblegum scent (some might be bothered, but I <3 it) Non-drying. I use it on both my cheeks and lips, colored stayed true,…