是的,所以我回来了。I miss blogging so much agad.. I kinda feel incomplete if there’s I day I don’t post something, heh.. miss you guys.. a truckload of photos in my cam waiting to be posted, and articles swirling in my head waiting to be written. I wanted a natural nail color this time and I’m glad Belle and Cat has a lot of shades of polish I can choose from. Please forgive me, I really don’t know how to put polish on my nails as perfect as they can It’s a nice natural shade of pink, usually used in french tips but I wanted my nails to be in one…
无论怎么说我试试,就算我特别从askmewhats.com的尼克看了这么多教程,我真的不能做我自己的指甲。但!我喜欢画他们,所以我决定发布周或2周或某事的我的指甲油。我从百丽和猫美甲蜡(他们有更多的服务),它conviniently靠近我的办公室,我的服务,它是如此谨慎,它的非常放松中去。他们有最好的服务员和凯茜女士(所有者/ makeupartist)是最好的。他们也有一个不错的选择抛光从高端到中端。我想让我的指甲我的饰品......