5 Must Have Tips on How to Survive Your Monthly Period
Period is normal, and so is period anxiety. According to Susan Kim, co-author of Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation, says lots of menstruating women are “scared of anyone noticing even a trace of the process: a napkin falling out of one’s handbag, a spot of blood on the toilet seat or on the shower floor, a used pad left in the garbage, even someone glimpsing our unused tampons in the bathroom or a male clerk checking us out when we have to buy a box of pads.” This isn’t surprising. Don’t panic. Don’t be stressed. You got this. Breathe. #5 Sudden Gush of Heavy Flow Did you know that 70% of…
5 Tips on How to Travel During Your Period
It’s unfortunate that for someone like myself, it always happens that whenever I have a long vacation scheduled It’s also the time where my first days of period comes in. Ugh, my fault, I should always check my period calendar. But, I have learned my lesson and now I’m sharing you the tips that I, myself will follow next time. I won’t let period stop me from adventures and travel no! #1 Always Know Your Period Schedule Unless you want any nasty surprises, make sure you track your monthly menstrual schedule so you can avoid surprise mishaps. There are a lot of good mobile applications out there and it doesn’t hurt to download.…