我最近在Gateway Branch的Nailaholics美甲沙龙和Spa做了指甲护理。你能猜出我选了什么颜色吗?哦,跳完舞后,再来点胡思乱想吧!raybet雷竞技贴吧如果你猜黑色。恭喜你!实际上,我在我的instagram和facebook账户上发了一个闪光的赠品,是我的一个读者Chacha发的,她是Nailaholics GC的一员。恭喜你!我选择黑色是因为我最近感觉叛逆。我一直是美丽博客的“害群之马”。我到处听到人们编造故事来败坏我的名声。 Hay… That’s why I decided to lie low and just really be careful who to trust.…
我在Lourd Ramos的创意新天地沙龙的经历
作为一个博客,有的读者可能会认为我们去每一个事件或聚会,我们被邀请参加。For someone like me, who really doesn’t blog full-time believe it or not, there are some cases I’m not able to go because of the following reasons: Venue is too far from where I live or where I work Not within my schedule. I work on a 9-5 job *sob* Not in my niche PR who sent invite is very impolite. For my co-bloggers who are reading this, can you relate? When I received an invitation to try the salon services of Creations by Lourd Ramos Salon, I was definitely pleased with how nice…
不管我怎么努力,即使我读了很多教程,特别是来自askmewhats.com的nikki,我真的不能自己做指甲。但是!我很喜欢画它们,所以我决定把一周或两周的指甲油寄出去。我的服务来自Belle和Cat Nail & Wax(他们有更多的服务),它坐落在我的办公室附近,很方便,很低调,进去很放松。他们有最好的服务员,凯西女士(店主/化妆师)是最好的。他们也有一个很好的选择波兰从高端到中档。我想把我的指甲做成…