什么?植村秀的色彩和冰淇淋唇色和腮红多少?28美元在哪里买?植村秀柜台,丝芙兰黑雅乡亲们,这将是一个没有大惊小怪没有不必要的化妆评论。我意识到当我展示一些化妆品和分享一些你不想看的不必要的信息时,我说了很多。比如这个介绍。哈哈哈。I got this as a gift Soft Flushed Cheeks. Dewy Stained Lips. Play with the contrasting color finish for a customized tinted look – perfect on the lip, just as well as on the cheek. Available in 12 gelato-inspired delightful shades. Unique Texture Fresh and creamy gelato-like unique formula magically changes from a thick to a…