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亚洲国家闻所可列为美丽的皮肤和美容产品。韩国,泰国和日本等国家的护肤治疗和创新是已知的,并认可世界各地。皮肤护理和美容产品喜欢舒米拉recognized by people from other continents like Europe and United States, as well.

1. The fermentation process


2. 10步夜间护肤常规



如果有一件事韩国化妆品for, it’s the light pigmentation and closeness to natural beauty. Their blushes are light pink and the most colourful cosmetic product they have is possibly the lip tint, which you can also use on your cheeks. Their powder is light and you can even use a powder puff instead of a sponge.
Koreans don’t rely on heavy makeup because they want the focus to be on their impeccably-maintained skin. Due to this, most companies focus on beauty treatments and skin care over eye shadows, mascara, and other heavily-pigmented cosmetic pieces.

4. Starting the skin care training while young



Last but definitely not the least; the Koreans got it right by inculcating skin care into their culture. Skin care is a habit that a lot of people don’t find necessary but the Koreans are a testament to the contrary. Male or female, everyone is taught the value of great-looking and healthy skin. Regardless of age or gender, their skin shines with youth and vitality.
Because of the skin care culture, Korean cosmetic companies invest heavily on research and development. They have the goal of finding the next best product or using the latest tech in achieving better looks. The cosmetic competition is so rampant that they give out so many samples and they also try to make their products as cost-effective as possible to the customers.
The more competition is available in the market, the more that these companies will try to provide the best service. After all, how can you make sure that you stand out if there are around a hundred of similar companies offering the same thing? Due to the high demand, there is a lot of room for companies to compete and fill in the supply.