


尽管bipolar disorder影响了数百万的人,仍然有很多关于这种疾病的误解和过时的刻板印象。关于这种情况的主要误解之一是,所有人都以相同的方式体验它。但是,大多数人没有意识到的是,躁郁症有三种不同的形式,所有形式的情绪周期和症状的严重程度都不同。

When it comes to mental health, knowledge is power. Therefore, it is crucial that more people understand bipolar disorder and the many ways it manifests. This article will introduce you to the three main types of bipolar disorder and help you distinguish them.

What Does Bipolar Disorder Look Like?


The first is mania which is an episode of extreme emotional highs. During this period, a person with bipolar disorder may experience euphoria, extreme self-confidence, and more energy than usual. This extra energy may make it difficult to focus or get a normal amount of sleep.

尽管mania can be perceived as the period where a person with bipolar disorder experiences good moods, mania may cause more problems than a depressive episode. For example, a manic episode may result in the person being irritable rather than happy. Furthermore, many people with bipolar disorder struggle to control their thoughts and behaviors during these episodes. This can result in them conducting risky behavior, such as making large purchases they cannot afford. Severe cases may also experience delusions or hallucinations.

People with this disorder also commonly experience depressive episodes. These are the opposing of mania and are characterized by extreme lows. During this time, a person with bipolar disorder may experience thoughts and feelings of hopelessness and despair and have little energy. Some people struggle to get out of bed and accomplish their responsibilities. Othersymptoms包括冷漠,疲劳,悲观,幻觉和自杀思想。

For further general reading on bipolar disorder, you can find more resources at the link below:


For now, let’s delve into the three major types of this disorder.


Most people don’t realize that bipolar disorder can be split into three different types. Though they all have similar symptoms of mania and depression, they are categorized by how frequently these mood cycles occur. Read on to learn the difference between thesethree types of bipolar disorder.

Bipolar I Disorder

Bipolar I disorder is defined by the presence of at least one manic episode that lasts at least one week. For the episode to be considered manic, it must include at least three of the symptoms that were listed above.

People with this condition may also experience major depressive episodes, which may be more frequent than manic episodes and last at least two weeks. The episodes are considered depressive if they have five of the abovementioned symptoms.




Because hypomania is not usually severe, many people with bipolar II disorder will seek treatment for their depressive episodes since they are much more painful. Hypomania may feel like an extra boost of energy that can be utilized positively (such as increased work or school performance). Many patients are misdiagnosed with depression and may take a while to discover they are actually living with bipolar disorder.






One example of this is people who experience rapid cycling. This occurs when someone experiences these mood changes frequently, often without any normal or stable period in between.

Another example is people who experience mixed states. As the name suggests, people experiencing these states will show symptoms of both mania and depression simultaneously or in rapid succession.



If, after reading this, you believe that you have bipolar disorder, know that you are not alone and that help is available. Millions of people live with bipolar disorder in one form or another and find a treatment that helps them live normal lives. Seek out a mental health professional today to determine what form of bipolar disorder you may have and to start treatment.

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