
Addressing Global Challenges through Openness and Trust in Tech

华为TrustIntechSummit 2021 was held online星期四, with the theme of “Global Collaboration for Shared Value.

L来自全球的Eaders参加了event, includingNeil Bush, Chairman of the George H.W. Bush Foundation for US-China Relations, Pascal Lamy, Former Director General oftheWorld Trade Organization (WTO),William Nordhaus,Winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics,他。SATVINDERSingh, Deputy Secretary-General oftheASEAN Economic Community, Derrick Pitts, NASA Solar System Ambassador,HouJinlong, Senior Vice President of Huawei and President of Huawei Digital Power.

Attendees discussed challengeswe are facing in全球经济,环境保护,生计s,技术创新,以及许多其他关键领域并呼吁从国家和行业进行共同努力,以应对这些挑战。

Humanity has entered anerain whichinterests, fates, and futures are全部closely intertwined. A whole-of-society approach isnecessary讲话the全球社区面临的常见威胁和挑战。帕斯卡·拉米pointed out“Weneed to mitigate de-globalization, in order to avoid making this world a worse place.”

SATVINDER辛格在讲话中说话很高the important role of the private sector像华为一样在推进东盟及其他地区的包容性和可持续的经济复苏中。他还分享了东盟的发展成就,并表示愿意在许多领域进行合作,包括经济和贸易,运输和材料,数字化转型,高性能计算和气候变化。

SATVINDER辛格呼吁各方采取行动.“We should seize this opportunity to make our societal and economic recovery truly transformative by investing in solutions to the crisis that address social, environmental, and economic transitions needed by our society and the planet,said the Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for ASEAN Economic Community.

SEEKing共同基础setting asidedifferences and buildingtrustis the way forward. Industry digitalization,特别的ly regarding技术创新in areaslike green power, will present new opportunities to all sectors worldwidemake世界是一个更好的地方。今天, fighting climate changeisa mission那is sharedworldwide, with many countries having announced low-carbon pledges.

William Nordhaus said that governments should increase investment in low-carbon technologies and research. HouJinlongremarked, “Over the next 30 to 40 years, we will continue to see intelligence and low carbon gain traction. Going intelligent requires digital technologies, while decreasing our carbon footprint requires power electronics技术。随着这些趋势的发展,全球能源行业将从资源依赖到技术驱动的变化。”

Hou也表示华为Digital Power‘scommitmentto integrating digital and power electronics technologies, developing clean power, and enabling energy digitalization.“By pursuing innovations in clean power generation, energy digitalization, transportation electrification, green ICT infrastructure, and integrated smart energy, we are working with global customers and partners to build low-carbon homes, factories, campuses, villages, and cities.Thiswill support the shift from a low-carbon world to a zero-carbon world,他说。


华为Philippines alsoparticipantedthe CEPSI 2021, whichorganized by the Association of Electricity Supply Industry of East Asia and the Western Pacific (AESIEAP) – the largest organization of power and industry companies in the region, shared thoughts和行动sto promote sustainability and social inclusiveness in the region’s electricity industry.

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  • Reply 史蒂夫·德拉·克鲁兹(Steve Dela Cruz) December 4, 2021 at 3:34 pm

    Very impressive! maam,That is so good

  • Reply Owen Ponce December 4, 2021 at 4:17 pm

    “Strongest connections are built with strongest networks” does a bigger difference into goals

  • Reply Carah Jung December 4, 2021 at 5:10 pm

    Its nice to see companies like Huawei making an effort for sustainability and finding common ground and set aside differences. Now more than ever we should work hand in hand to achieve greener world.

  • Reply Hyun Jang Nim 2021年12月4日晚上11:23


  • Reply Rowena Callo Villareno December 8, 2021 at 2:15 pm

    Thank you for sharing po

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