We all know the effect耳环can have on your appearance (hint:巨大的)。
But with so many styles and variations out there, deciding on thebest piercing for your face type不是卑鄙的壮举。
一种有趣的方式来增添您的tragus - 部分覆盖了耳道的小襟翼 - 是用可爱的螺柱或时尚的箍装饰它。而且由于Tragus是软骨的刺穿,因此疼痛水平将大约为10分之四。
This is mainly because only a few people are willing to part with their earbuds during the healing period. Because each time you take your earbuds in and out, they irritate the piercing and make it almost impossible to heal. This is why you should steer clear of a tragus piercing if you’re a ‘picker’ or a ‘fidgeter.’
- 特拉格斯:覆盖耳道的脸部的软骨小皮瓣
- 疼痛水平:5/10,软骨穿孔的平均疼痛
- Healing Period: 6 to 9 months
- 如何照顾你的tragus刺穿:用盐水或盐水溶液洗涤。避免进行粗糙的动作或触摸穿孔,并在戴耳塞时要格外小心。
如果您的疼痛程度较低,则叶子穿孔是一个特别好的主意,因为疼痛水平相当低 - 大约在10分中的2至3个。
虽然在三到八个月的大约三到八个月的时间里,康复期很快,但您仍然应该勤奋地努力防止感染。您应该始终遵循穿孔者的说明,以进行适当的弹药后维护。而且,如果您在家中刺穿 - 不建议 - 请查看本指南您如何照顾家里的刺穿。
- 叶: The fleshy lower part of your ear
- 疼痛水平:3/10
- 康复期:3 to 8 months
- 如何照顾叶片刺穿:每天两次用盐溶液清洁。避免穿上头发或衣服。
Basically, it is a straight barbell that connects one cartilage piercing to another on the upper ear. The thing with industrial piercings is that they’re highly complicated. Because they’re two cartilage piercings instead of one, they’re pretty difficult to heal and get irritated quite easily. So, you need to be extra careful with the post-care and maintenance.
- 疼痛水平:8/10, moderately high
- Healing Period:6至9个月或更长的时间
- 如何照顾您的工业穿刺:每天两次用盐水溶液洗涤。避免在头发,衣服等上抓住大的酒吧。睡在上面是一个很大的禁忌。
螺旋穿孔 - 穿在耳朵上部软骨上的任何地方的穿孔 - 是叶刺穿后的第二常见。您可以选择单个螺旋穿孔或双螺旋,即在同一区域彼此之间的两个穿孔。
另外,它们看起来超级可爱,并允许个性化的位置。我们强烈鼓励您超越小箍或螺柱,并尝试独特的样式。As to how much it hurts, the helix clocks in at a four out of five on the pain scale. And it takes anywhere from six to nine healths to heal. But it might take up to a year to stop being fussy.
- 螺旋:位于耳朵上部的凸起的山脊
- 疼痛水平:5/10,软骨穿孔的平均疼痛
- Healing Period: 6 to 9 months, depending on well your body heals
- 如何护理螺旋刺穿:每天两次用盐水或盐水溶液洗涤。避免在松散的头发上捕捉螺旋刺穿。
If you’re looking to make a fashion statement with your piercing, this is it. Depending on what look you’re going for, you can have an inner or an outer conch piercing.
An outer conch piercing is located closer to the edge of your ear to provide ample space for a hoop on the outside. An inner conch piercing, on the other hand, is a perforation in the middle of your ear for a stud (or a double stud if you’re feeling brave). The pain level isn’t bad — a four out of 10 — and healing can take around three to nine months
- 海螺:耳朵的内杯部分
- 疼痛水平:4/10,软骨穿孔的平均疼痛
- Healing Period:3至9个月
- 如何照顾您的海螺穿孔:用盐水或盐水溶液洗涤。尽量不要睡在刺穿之前。避免抓住头发,衣服或耳机的刺穿。