我读过很多关于婴儿吊带/背带的好处。(见以前的帖子),我已经尝试了好几种。这里是我的想法,也是我的选择,作为最好的sling ever!这不是一个付费广告,我的Saya是在fabnaima.multiply.com买的。我最近在重建我的收藏,因为我怀孕的时候,我讨厌化妆品,并把它们中的大部分送人或卖掉。因为我太想念化妆了,请继续关注我的购物狂欢吧!1.育儿袋——它是一块布,是封闭的,你只要把婴儿塞进去。没有尺寸调整,所以你…
从我上次发帖子到现在真的有三个多月了吗?我真心地向你们道歉。我简直不敢相信一边工作一边当妈妈是多么困难。我正在练习亲密育儿法(www.askdrsears.com/html/10/t130300.asp)so这样即使我在工作,宝宝仍然会认出我是他最亲爱的妈妈。我的日常生活是这样的。Go to work去工作工作3。泵奶4。工作5。泵奶6。 work 7. pump milk 8. work 9. go home 10. tend to baby and during weekends, its either im a full time mommy to my son, or my hubby and…
A picture can paint a thousand words My baby Geof, born 5th of May 2010, 12 hours of labor (ouch) and then eventually end up CS (more ouch) but it was aaaaaall worth it. Happy Mother’s Day to everyone! It’s my first ever mother’s day and I am so blessed and happy! My posts will be rarer, but I will try to update as much as I can.
更新:这个世界上还有一些美好的东西。有人接了我的电话,打给我老公,他们在某个地方见面,然后还了。*thankful* I lost my phone today. I’m not that sad, just frustrated and disappointed. It was an ordinary phone, used to call/sms friends, relatives, and business contact. It was one of the cheapest cherry mobile phones. P2 to be exact and just bought it last month. I’m not fond of purchasing high-end cellphones, one reason is, I keep on losing em all the time. I don’t know if I have this bad luck with phones. But I end up using more than 3-5 phones in a year, due…
我几个月前在一个论坛上发布了这篇文章。请求电视台给他一个喘息的机会。嗯,他们做了. .但是已经太晚了。他们刚刚在电视上播放了他因为他现在正处于死亡边缘。为什么他们总是这样?现在,在观看SNN和其他节目时,他们说帕里托是最伟大的喜剧演员之一,是他那个时代的传奇人物。Why didnt they give him a chance when he was still able to work. ========================================== Posted December 2009 I think Palito deserves to be recognized. He was really funny in his glory days, today, at 75.. he earns…
Hiya! How’s everyone doing? It’s been a WHILE since I last made a blog post, one week to be exact and I sure missed you guys a lot! My experience of holy week has been pleasant, even if I wasnt able to come with my other relatives in our province, hubby and I just stayed at home, relaxed and went to church masses. I need to make up for time lost but I havent uploaded most pictures for my entries and reviews *sob* which I will do when I get home after office hours. I needed help with my essays so good thing there’s 501words to help me out! How was your…
当我们购买化妆品和美容产品时,大多数都是用可爱的盒子或容器包装的。就我个人而言,我认为它们是一种空间浪费,所以马上就把它们扔掉了。但事实上,当人们打算转售化妆品时,化妆品盒实际上为我们的化妆品增加了更多的价值。买家希望买到的东西盒子完好无损,感觉“新鲜”。所以我在想,我的读者们会保留他们的美容盒吗?为什么?还是像我一样马上扔掉?所以. .你保留你的盒子吗?为什么?
现在除了是一个化妆迷,我内心也是一个游戏玩家。我从6岁开始喜欢电脑游戏,发现了SNES、Family computer、Gameboy、Playsation等游戏的乐趣。我想向大家介绍,或者再次介绍我最喜欢的游戏。它是Playstation 1的Azure Dreams。这是一款包含许多内容的rogue RPG角色扮演游戏。收集怪物战斗到塔顶好的故事情节建造你的城镇!(就像模拟游戏)得到一个可爱的生活(许多女孩选择)发展你的武器和盔甲得到…