I am going all out for support to my friend Martin who’s doing Butoh performance this week at Ateneo’s Fine Arts Theater. I watched a show last night and it was definitely a mind-f*ck experience. So if you like artsy-fartsy shows that makes your head tick a little bit more. Go watch them! (Oh you should also see the other half of this act Russ Ligtas the way he portrays the extremes of emotions is WOW). Click to see more below and watch a sneak preview of their show plus the awesome shoes Beki na beki ako idol ko si Ms. Divine Lee! Guess who wore these shoes? Too bad they’re not…
是的。我想了解你,所以继续阅读下面的内容。我最近安装了一个名为“Feedjit”的小工具,它可以获取我点击率的来源、访问的页面、浏览的次数以及停留的时间等所有信息。事实上,我对跟踪页面浏览量有点着迷,因为来自智利、柬埔寨、俄罗斯等国家的人让我感到惊讶。访问我的页面。除了我通常从菲律宾和美国来的来自不同州和城市的游客。So I made this post, wondering, if ever you get to read this… I really want to know who you are my dear reader! It really goes beyond…
魔鬼与鸭子一个小男孩去他的农场看望他的祖父母。有人给了他一把弹弓,让他在树林里玩。他在树林里练习;但是他从来没有射中目标。他有点泄气,就回去吃晚饭了。当他往回走的时候,他看到了奶奶的宠物鸭子。只是出于冲动,他让弹弓飞了起来,击中了鸭子的头部,把它打死了。他既震惊又伤心!惊慌中,他把死鸭子藏在柴堆里;只见他的妹妹在看着他! Sally had seen it all, but she said nothing. After lunch the next day…
在梦中看到一场风暴,意味着在你清醒的生活中一些无法抵抗的挣扎、震惊、损失或灾难。暴风雨也代表未表达的恐惧或情绪,如愤怒、愤怒、骚动等。从积极的方面来说,风暴象征着你上升的灵性。它可能预示着你前方的快速变化。梦见你在暴风雨中避难,预示着在你生活中发生的任何扰动或问题都会很快过去。再想想“weather the storm”这个短语,它指的是你承受任何事情的能力和力量。梦想你正在驾驶一辆汽车,代表着你的抱负、驱动力和能力……
你每天洗几次脸?你是什么肤质?我是混合型皮肤。您现在用什么洗面奶?嗯. .我经常开关!我用Beauche香皂,露得清深层清洁,露得清补水,强生婴儿香皂,safeguard,玉兰油,Pond’s(黑色的那个)你去角质吗?面部每隔一天使用M2护肤霜,身体每周使用2次,使用不同的磨砂膏。你用什么牌子的?见上面的答案你用什么保湿霜?哈哈,. .我也换品牌,Soap & Glory Clear Here,露得清Hydroboost, Celeteque, Beauche Do…
这是一种糟糕的写作障碍吗?我写博客很忙吗?我是不是懒得更新?我sorry everyone It’s all of the above. I’ve been busy, lazy, and having a bad case of writer’s block even if I got tons of pictures already uploaded and articles to post (but not yet written) First, I’ve been busy with my “career”. I’m never been happy with my current job and in my opinion, one should be happy and satisfied in his/her field in order to work well, and not the other way around. I’m thanking God that he gave me an opportunity to have a fresh start, a…
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I’m so sorry for not posting lately. My internet connection is having disruption, Im here in our province using the pc of my brother, to post this update. You might be wondering what the heck happened to K(me). Haha. Well, I got a root canal, and then instead of having my wisdom tooth removed. I took the one that got the root canal instead. Looooong story! I have to catch up with my posts! I have lotso stuff to share with you like more foodies and more makeup goodies, especially your favorite amazing yet cheap local finds~~ Missing you badly, I hope I get to post in my own…