Scholl天鹅绒光滑Express Pedi -你的脚将带你去哪里?
你是一个像我一样活跃的女孩吗?即使看起来不像,我是一个积极的女孩,有着积极的生活方式。I love to travel and hike beyond the concrete jungle, I remember hiking Mt. Mayon and ended up getting scrapes on my feet I enjoy running marathons. It’s a social activity that is good for our hearts and metabolism. But too much and it will leave our feet sore and bruised. I also enjoy my time in the gym to lift heavy weights These activities are fun and empowering but we all know that these activities will cause the skin on our feet to get corns and callouses.. BUT just those…
美丽的脚容易与Scholl天鹅绒光滑Express Pedi
什么是Scholl Velvet Smooth Express Pedi?这是一个电子脚文件,轻轻buffs away硬皮肤在短短片刻,留下你美丽光滑的脚。我最近几个月前得到了这个,从那以后我就喜欢上它了!这让我从昂贵的沙龙足浴中省下了一大笔钱。只需一次使用,你就能立刻得到美丽光滑的双脚。它能在几分钟内去除硬皮,并可用于干燥(非湿性)皮肤。它有一个特别设计的微氧化铝辊头,有效而温和地去除硬皮肤,请检查我的第一篇文章在Scholl Velvet Smooth Express Pedi学习更多关于如何…