Difference Between Bull vs Bear Market | Stock Market Basics
Despite my kawaii (cute) header photo, the stock market ain’t cute. It’s usually bloody. One of the most common terms you’ll see and hear are the Bull Market and the Bear Market. But what do they mean? I’ll give you both a detailed explanation and an easy to understand layman’s term. If you’re a super beginner I suggest you read up on my Philippine Stock Market for Beginners article. Bull Market vs Bear Market – The Simple Definition Bull Market is when majority of the stock prices are going up and green. They’re just going up and can last from a couple of weeks to months time if your country’s economy is doing well. Bear Market is…
Philippine Stock Market Tips for Beginners | What You Should Know According to Experts
So I’m still in Manic Episodes of my Bipolar Disorder and my current obsession? The Philippine Stock Market. Don’t worry! PSE is not new to me as I’ve been in and out of trading for 8 years already. When I’m in the mood I’m actively trading/investing but when I’m not. I just rely on bluechips! (Further Reading: PSE Trading for Beginners) Joining these growing FB stock trading groups is really insightful and beneficial! One legit and helpful group I can recommend is TAP (short for Traders Apprentice Philippines). TAP was formed by investment banker Tony (twitter:@Tony88981) Herbosa with fellow traders/investors: 1.Roy (twitter: @senyores) Reyes- Swing Trading 2.Atty. Christian Del Rosario – Wealth Preservation…